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Education and Training
We are proud to be a leading provider of high-quality programs in professional skills training, English language instruction, IT education, and entrance exam preparation for the banking and public sectors. These programs are delivered by UB Academy and the Libra Language & IT Center .
Media and Technology
UB GROUP and its subsidiary, BCGV, are recognized as trusted and preferred partners in delivering social media communication services, policy advocacy campaigns, and innovative technology solutions tailored to the banking sector.
Research and Innovation
We specialize in scientific research and technology transfer, integrating professional training, knowledge sharing, and business consulting in the fields of finance and educational technology. These services are offered by the Institute of Financial Management and Educational Technology (FTMI).
Đào tạo Tiếng Anh & Tin học
Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ & Tin học Libra là đơn vị thành viên chuyên biệt, chuyên cung cấp sản phẩm chính là các khoá học tiếng Anh, tin học, phân tích – xử lý dữ liệu từ trình độ trung đến sơ cấp.

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Business potential
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- 3 projects
- 30-day version history
- Up to 2 editors
- Unlimited cloud storage
- Unlimited projects
- Unlimited version history
- Custom file/user permissions
- Invite-only private projects
- Org-wide design systems
- Centralized teams
- Private plugins
- Plugin administration
Our Clients Says

Consulting WP really helped us achieve our financial goals. The slick presentation along with fantastic readability ensures that our financial standing is stable.
Amanda Seyfried

The demands for financial institutions have changed a bit. Obfuscation is no longer accepted, which is why this Business WordPress Theme is so perfect.
Debbie Kübel-Sorger

When you are in the financial industry you know the image you have to project to people. You have to be agile and authoritative;
Donald Simpson
Ready to get started? Contact us!
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